
YSD is a company which creates designs that are new, fresh and impressive to match the customers' unique corporate image. YSD's team discussions and meetings include our opinion, analysis, research and development. We believe that these are the essential steps for us to come up with our creative and unique ideas. We enjoy this procedure of work and treat it as a part of our life.


YSD comes from the abbreviation of Yeung's Design Interactive Limited, which is our former company name and have renamed as YSD HK Limited since 26th Apr, 2019. We wanna bring our logo to life, a positive and nice impression, it can greet everyone anytime when you see YSD. Customer service is always important. The 5 senses are designed based on our Chinese traditional face analysis, firstly, eyes, the eyes are big and long which represent taking care of people and high awareness; secondly, ears, the ears with a huge hole to listen to clients' requirements and comments; thirdly, mouth, it is big and is smiling, nice personality; lastly, nose, the nose is straight and sharp, this represents the noble moral, proactive attitude.

Clear Space

The minimum clear space defines the minimum amount of clear space around the corporate signature, which is essential to ensure maximum visibility and legibility. Hence, to preserve the visual integrity of the corporate identity, no text or graphic element should appear within this predefined area.

The minimum required clear space for the logo is defined by the measurement “x” as shown. This measurement is half to the width of the icon in the logo.

Color System

Our orange is iconic. Visible for blocks. It’s our most identifiable asset.Upon printing, please use Pantone color as the first priority to deliver better color effect. If you cannot use pantone for some reason, please use CMYK to print instead. Please pay attention to the printing process, as paper selection and web line elements may affect the final color accuracy. 

Another primary brand color is YSD grey. It is used to provide accessibility, simplicity, and consistency throughout all brand communications. It is strongly recommended to use this color for all the fonts on printing and online materials. In general, to keep the visual identity integrity, these colors are not allowed to be changed except for special occasions and events.

YSD Orange
Pantone :
0C, 76M, 100Y, K
241R, 100G, 8B
YSD Grey
Pantone :
Cool Grey 11
10C, 0M, 0Y, 80K
45R, 45G, 45B
Logo with different background color

When using the logo on a colored background, please refer to the usage advice stated under light background, high saturation background and YSD Orange background.

The most preferable version, which could be used under general circumstances.
For special cases that only black color could be used eg. fax, mono color newspapers, etc., use the standard logo (mono black) version.

For light colored background, fill the logo color in YSD Orange.

For background in YSD Orange, fill the logo color in white.

For high saturation background, fill the logo color in white.

For background in black, fill the logo color in white.


Typeface is a unique way to present your style, conveying a wealth of meaning and qualities.

Primary font type: Times New Roman
Main font type for tagline or short sentences, and suitable for different occasions and events.
Text Weight: Bold
Text Weight: Regular
Secondary font type: Open Sans
Main font type for large paragraphs in English.
Text Weight: Bold
Text Weight: Regular
Text Weight: Light
Chinese primary font type: Noto Serif TC
The most preferable Chinese font for tagline or short sentences, and could show the consistency with Times New Roman.
Text Weight: Bold
壹 贰 叁 肆 伍 陆 柒 捌 玖 拾 佰 仟 万
一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 百 千 万
Text Weight: Regular
壹 贰 叁 肆 伍 陆 柒 捌 玖 拾 佰 仟 万
一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 百 千 万
Text Weight: Light
壹 贰 叁 肆 伍 陆 柒 捌 玖 拾 佰 仟 万
一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 百 千 万
Chinese secondary font type: Noto Sans TC
Main font type for large paragraphs in Chinese.
Text Weight: Bold
壹 贰 叁 肆 伍 陆 柒 捌 玖 拾 佰 仟 万
一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 百 千 万
Text Weight: Regular
壹 贰 叁 肆 伍 陆 柒 捌 玖 拾 佰 仟 万
一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 百 千 万
Text Weight: Light
壹 贰 叁 肆 伍 陆 柒 捌 玖 拾 佰 仟 万
一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 百 千 万
Chinese tertiary font type: 微軟正黑體
Main font type for office documents in Chinese.
Text Weight: Bold
壹 贰 叁 肆 伍 陆 柒 捌 玖 拾 佰 仟 万
一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 百 千 万
Text Weight: Regular
壹 贰 叁 肆 伍 陆 柒 捌 玖 拾 佰 仟 万
一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 百 千 万
Incorrect Use & Combination

This part explains some of the common errors in reproducing the brandmark. The original brandmark and its variations should not be recreated or modified in any way. Always use the supplied files for artwork.

Incorrect use of logo
Avoid rotating the logo
Avoid changing the combination of logo
Avoid stretching or compressing the logo
Avoid covering part of the logo

When the standard logo is placed on a background of an image, please ensure that the background does not affect the clarity of the logo, thus avoiding the ambiguity of the logo. Ideally, the standard logos should be placed on a light or almost-white background. The standard logos (white logo type) can be placed on the background of dark pictures, and the background should be simple and clean.

Incorrect use with background

YSD typically does not allow third-party use of our logo or brand features to create any products. When the logo is applied, it should stick with the guidelines above.


The YSD logo will be printed on the bottom right-hand corner.

Dimensions :
54mm (W) x 90mm (H)

Printed Color :
Pantone 166 (241R, 100G, 8B)
Pantone Cool Grey 11 (10C, 0M, 0Y, 80K)

Finishing :
Rainbow Hot Stamp Foil

Materials :
300gsm Card

Font Type :

  • Personal Name ( Times New Roman Bold 8pt )

  • Personal Title ( Times New Roman Regular 7pt )

  • Contact Information ( Times New Roman Regular 7pt )

  • Company Tagline ( Times New Roman Bold 8pt )

  • Company Website ( Times New Roman Bold 12pt )

  • Company Name ( Times New Roman Bold 9pt )

  • Chinese Address ( 宋體 Bold 6pt )


Diameter :
22mm (W)

Color :

Font Type :
Company Name ( Times New Roman Bold 6pt )

Recycle Bag
Recycle Bag

The YSD logo will be printed on the bottom right-hand corner.

Dimensions :
31cm (W) x 31cm (H) x 11cm (D)

Handle :
2.5cm (W) x 56cm (L)

Materials :
100gsm Non-woven (Orange NO.016)

Logo :
7cm (W) x 2.5cm (L)


The YSD logo will be printed on the bottom right-hand corner.

Dimensions :
225mm (W) x 92mm (H)

Printed Color :

Materials :
135gsm Antalis Skin Orange

Font Type :
Address ( Times New Roman Regular 8pt )


The YSD logo will be printed on the top left-hand corner and contact information will be printed on the bottom right-hand corner .

Dimensions :
210mm (W) x 297mm (H)

Printed Color :
Pantone 166 (241R, 100G, 8B)
Pantone Cool Grey 11 (10C, 0M, 0Y, 80K)

Materials :
100gsm Woodfree Paper

Font Type :

  • Company Website ( Times New Roman Bold 12pt )

  • Contact Information ( Times New Roman Regular 8pt )

Email Signature Logo
Email Signature

The YSD gif logo will be put above the text "Your Digital Partner".

Dimensions :
130px (W) x 44px (H)

Digital Color :
241R, 100G, 8B