Leigh Chiu Designs



Home decor and comfort

With offices now in Austin, Texas and Hong Kong, Leigh Chiu™ more than two decades as an interior decorator and designer spanning New York and Hong Kong and many places in between, she has become a trusted advisor and procurement specialist to discerning families in home decor and comfort, and for corporations in functionality and elegance.





Client of this project needs a modern website, featuring her elegant, contemporary but also traditional interior design.

Our client believes in balancing the mixture of contemporary and traditional features in a home. She believes that such a design approach breeds a fresh, elegant and bespoke outlook for projects.





To exhibit her unique design, we focus our attentions on the website background, the background overflowing text and the animation.

For background, as the client’s project photo is rich of color, we believe a clean white background best complements the project. It doesn’t distract visitors and they naturally focus on viewing the images.





For background text, we carefully put some grey and transparent words beside each project. These words subtly remind visitors the project they are looking at.





For animation, each project image shows up with a left-to-right sliding animation. Also, the image only shows when they are scrolled into view.

These arrangements draws the eyeball of the visitors and guide them to look at the next upcoming image.