SCAN-2030 aims to establish a HTA ecosystem in Hong Kong, enhancing the access, delivery, and introduction of innovative and cost-effective medications.
Established in 2020, Gerald Choa Neuroscience Centre (GCNC) MRI Core Facility is equipped with Hong Kong’s first research-dedicated, the latest and most advanced Prisma 3T MRI scanner.
The programme brings together the Faculties of Science, Medicine, and Business Administration at The Chinese University of Hong Kong to co-develop a brand-new, integrated curriculum with active learning as the core.
The International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) is a worldwide non-governmental organization devoted to promoting the use and improving the process of arbitration, conciliation and other forms of dispute resolution.
本学习计划于2014 年9 月开始,并于2017 年、2020 年及2023 年三度获得香港赛马会慈善信托基金赞助,以全港中小学学生及教师为对象,提供学习教材、体验营及征文比赛等活动,透过美荷楼及石硖尾村的故事,向学生讲述香港五十至七十年代的居民生活状况及其后的发展,为学生的品德及个人成长方面提供一个正面的学习楷模,让他们认识当年香港市民刻苦、奋斗及努力改善生活的历史及精神。
VTC「专+导航」计划是一个以中学生涯规划教育为切入点的外展推广策略计划,目标为加强公众对职专教育的正面认识及增强职专教育的价值。 VTC与各行各业关系紧密,拥有最新行业资讯及强大业界支援,可以为学生提供专业意见,好像专家一样,在生涯规划的路上为学生导航。
G-NiiB GenieBiome 是一家生物技术公司,由世界知名的临床科学家创立,并得到微生物学、宏基因组学、生物信息学、疾病生物标志物、食品技术、临床试验、IP 开发和商业化等多学科专家团队的支持。
The Asian Business Studies (ABS) Programme is the first programme in Asia specifically fashioned to develop global leaders with uniquely Asian insights.
This E-learning platform provides useful resources for practicing nurses to acquire relevant knowledge, as well as aims for promoting their career development and facilitating nursing care for patients with the latest and highest standards.
The data-driven era creates strong interests and needs of analyzing, storing, distributing, and sharing massive amounts of data using sophisticated data analytics and machine learning algorithms and methodologies, with applications in multiple disciplines including science, social science, finance, public health, medicine, engineering, and telecommunications. Huge job demand of data analysts in both local and global employment markets has been witnessed.
Established in 2015, the HKU Summer Institute (HKUSI) provides learning opportunities for secondary, undergraduate and postgraduate students from around the world. Our programmes are uniquely designed to enable students to explore their academic interests and career pathways while enjoying the summer experience of a lifetime at HKU.
Oftentimes it’s the small things, like the moments Artory share with others, that move Artory beyond measure. The team at Artory takes pride in celebrating each and every milestone with the people who enrich all of Artory lives.
At CUHK, high standards of occupational safety and health are integral management objectives on a par with excellence in teaching and research. CUHK recognizes that the benefits to be gained from successful occupational safety and health programmes are great, both in human and monetary terms. CUHK is devoted to cultivating a positive safety culture through the concerted efforts of all Departments/Units.
Dr Fan’s Animal Care Centre works with animals. Pets make our lives better and completely rely on humans in all areas of life. We pay them for the friendship with feeding, care and consideration. The workers here may help us to be responsible pet owners.
Explora empowers businesses to make better decisions using data solutions and technology. Our core business involves data transformation, BI data analytics, workflow automation, data management services, project management, change management and QA services.
Our 135th anniversary is an opportunity to reflect on our successes and map the path ahead. In an auspicious start to the celebrations, Clarivate Analytics recently announced that 17 HKUMed scholars had been included on its list of the world’s most highly-cited researchers, a record high for the Faculty.
香港风湿病学会 (HKSR) 于 2021 年庆祝成立 33 周年。成立于 1988 年,到 2021 年已发展成为拥有 286 名会员的学会。会员包括风湿病专科医生、家庭医生、私人医生、专科护士和专职医疗保健人员专业人士。
Strand 50 is wholly owned by Sunlight REIT, a real estate investment trust listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (Stock Code: 435)
SOC. Creative 希望透过创意与专业,为社区创造出与人、空间、环境之间的新连结。我们相信每个空间都有其独特的故事,由社区到住宅,由品牌到商业,透过我们对室内设计的美感触觉及灵活空间的诠译,为使用者带来耳目一新的全新体验。
Each year, HKUMed admit almost 640 students across seven programmes, which include the MBBS, BNurs, BChinMed, BPharm, BBiomedSc, BASc(GHD) and BSc(Bioinformatics), and our student body is one of the largest for a single Faculty, totalling more than 4,850 people.
爱护动物协会成立100周年,联同冠名赞助「位您宠」举办全港首个人宠赏月嘉年华,在中秋前一连两晚的周末,在全新宠物友善热点 ── 湾仔海滨,为大家呈献「萌星汪汪耀海滨」。诚邀各位狗狗主人携同大小「萌」友,走一趟「奔月之旅」,在最迷人的维港景色及「登陆萌星」的主题下,齐齐与「萌友」体验人宠共融的晚上!
LAVOV’s mission is to inject unbounded possibilities in lighting solutions by collaborating with our partners to provide exceptional value to end customers.
Established by a team of interior design specialists and furniture artisans, we strive to create top quality and timeless furniture collection that enrich the life sensation to the fullest.
在圣佐治医务中心,我们使用整形外科、医学美容、耳鼻喉科和头颈外科的最新技术。 满足患者在功能及外观方面的要求。 我们的治疗室配备最先进的设备。 我们有注诊听力学家、前庭物理治疗师及睡眠医学技术人员增添我们的服务。 我们旨在提供全面及一站式服务,让您的治疗旅程顺利达标。