G-NiiB GenieBiome 是一家生物技术公司,由世界知名的临床科学家创立,并得到微生物学、宏基因组学、生物信息学、疾病生物标志物、食品技术、临床试验、IP 开发和商业化等多学科专家团队的支持。
Oftentimes it’s the small things, like the moments Artory share with others, that move Artory beyond measure. The team at Artory takes pride in celebrating each and every milestone with the people who enrich all of Artory lives.
ARTE is Spanish for "art", a sensuous interpretation of the way in which people express their ideas, feelings and novelty. In a quest for pure aesthetic of Spain, each creation from ARTE Madrid is an extensive heritage of thriving mix of craftsmanship, creativity and colour.
LAVOV’s mission is to inject unbounded possibilities in lighting solutions by collaborating with our partners to provide exceptional value to end customers.
Established by a team of interior design specialists and furniture artisans, we strive to create top quality and timeless furniture collection that enrich the life sensation to the fullest.
美昌集团成立于 1967 年,由一家在香港拥有 10多名员工的小工厂发展成为国际玩具制造商,在中国东莞和韶关设有两家大型工厂,并在美国和法国设有销售办事处。美昌集团是多间附属公司的集成,这些公司共同创新制造玩具和仿真制品。 Maisto 品牌由香港总公司美昌于 1990 年注册, 并于 2005 年收购了意大利品牌 Bburago 。
一个家庭有了新成员加入带来喜悦及兴奋,同样在家庭中产生很多变化,不再一样。 0/3 baby collection makes the difference承诺提供产品及服务给父母与别不同的体验,在照顾婴儿生活上更轻省,轻松写意。
Lightify is formed by a group of designers, who are hereby to express and launch their designs to illustrate their ideas through our platform.
This is a collaboration project, we provide a web interface and user experience design and the programming part is handled by the client's in-house team.
No matter if you are a geek, sport-lover, adventurer, or pet-lovers, we are sure you’ll be able to find the product you want in the YCOO universe.
花研草说(MZK Life)始于2012年,设有全天然仿野生种植园种植优质石斛;并以自家种植的抗氧化仙花─石斛花,与多种纯天然的优质原料调配出一系列茶疗饮品,希望以最天然的方法帮助润肤美颜、延缓衰老、改善「三高」并增强抵抗力。
We are a company with over 50 years history, located in Hong Kong in the Asia Pacific region with expert experience in the turf maintenance for generations.
For stream-lining business focus, Nanoflex Limited transferred ALL its business on Nanoflex® illumination technology to Nanoflex Lighting Limited with effect from 1st June 2019.
人类对音乐和图像的热爱源于对美的演绎,而如何体验感官中的「美」乃是一门专门的学问。DMA 服务宗旨为全面了解客户对「美」的追求,提供专业且优质的应用指导及试听分享,让顾客能明瞭个性上的配合,选购最适宜自己的音乐产品。我们集合各款专业和潮流的个人影音配备,更进一步将数码影音融入专业 AV 产品,定期更新及加入各种音乐产品,保证顾客每次光临皆有不同的体验。